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Breathwork - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Breathwork Ceremony - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork

Envisioning &
Rebirth Breathwork

(respiratory therapy)

Breath as medicine

We take the first breath in at birth and the last breath out when we die. Life is breath and breathing.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that has served generations of healers for healing and transformation of body and soul. Respiratory therapy is also becoming increasingly popular in modern medicine and psychotherapy.

Through breathwork we learn to give full capacity to each breath and to fully receive whatever is being transferred through the breath.

Breathwork offers the breather the opportunity to live in full health physically, psychologically, spiritually, energetically and mentally.

Breathwork Therapy can improve the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Chronic pain
  • Tantrums
  • Depression
  • Trauma and post-traumatic stress
  • Sadness and loss
  • Emotional effects of physical illness
  • etc

In our center we offer Rebirth Breathwork and Envisioning bioenergetic breathwork / bodywork at. Which of these methods are more suitable for the individual can be found out instinctively and after discussions. Rebirthing breathwork is often the beginning and Envisioning bioenergetic breathwork is the continuation. The part of body work in energetic breathwork is a composition of proportions of Qigong, Kinesiology and Reiki-Elements. A combination Yoga is also possible.

Natalie - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork

Rebirthing Breathwork / Respiratory Therapy

"It's never too late to have a fantastic childhood."

In Rebirthing breathwork we see birth as the first trauma in this life. We also know that there is a fetal consciousness that causes the embryo to sense vibrations, fears, joy and much more in the early days of pregnancy.

We also understand that the child chooses its parents, and that before! of procreation. We are our parents! And when we realize that, liberation begins. Then we can let go of our burdens, learned patterns and traumas around conception, growing up in the womb, birth and childhood.

The way a child is born has a decisive impact on later life. For example, cesarean children suffer a different type of trauma than, for example, premature babies; Dry births later show different characteristic behavior than, for example, children who have grown up in a uterus in which abortions have previously taken place. The child initiates labor and so one can imagine that children whose labor is induced for transmission, or children whose mother has an episiotomy, perceive these procedures as traumatic from the outside - "the control is taken out of their hands" .

At the beginning of the first Rebirthing breathing session, I sit with the breather and talk about the breathing technique, the history of the rebirth, present traumas and possible memories of one's own birth. We rebirthers always recommend at least 10 breathing sessions, if possible twice a week for 2 weeks and then once a week.

The optimal goal is when the Rebirthee can relive their own birth and thus integrate and learn to love any traumas. Another goal is for the Rebirthee to be able to "rebirth" themselves afterwards for life, with regular sessions with their Rebirther.

Depending on your needs and necessity, we also offer hot water and cold water rebirthing. Here, in the warm water at 37 degrees, there are fantastic opportunities to experience your own birth by simulating the embryo in the womb. In cold water it is more about bringing out current traumas and letting them go in the breathing.

Anything that has ever been devalued and suppressed can be integrated using the Rebirthing technique. Rebirthing uses the feelings in the physical body to access the unconscious mind. Everything you have ever discounted and repressed has left its energetic pattern in the body and has remained there in a repressed state, waiting for you to take notice and integrate it into your sense of gratitude and comfort.
Rebirthing breathwork bypasses the conscious mind, avoiding the delays that occur when attempts are made to mentally grasp something.

The five elements of rebirthing are:

  • Circular breathing
  • Complete relaxation
  • Conscious perception of all details
  • Integration into ecstasy
  • Do you
  • What you are doing right now - willingness is enough

Whenever all five elements are fully represented, integration occurs. No matter how intense an energetic pattern was at the time of suppression, it can already be integrated at a very subtle level in the rebirthing session.

I look forward to meeting you.
For me every person is a miracle and therefore every breathing accompaniment is a wonderful gift for me.

Natalie - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Certificate Breathwork 210x150 - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Rebirthing Breathwork - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Envisioning bioenergetic breath work / Bodywork

A powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

Bioenergetic breathing has its origins in the bodywork philosophies that originally emerged from Alexander Lowen's interpretation of Reich and Jung. Interestingly, the same style of breathing is called "round" breathing by the Chinese in connection with qigong and has deep roots in that culture, albeit in a very different way.

Bodywork - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Bioenergetic breathwork

Bioenergetic breathing is basically just fast, deep breathing. It emphasizes the inhalation that is assertive and full. It does not pause at the top or bottom of the breath, forming a smooth sine wave. The mouth and throat are wide open, removed from the airway, and never shape or control air movement. Most people try to breathe primarily with their mouth, nose and throat. In fact, it's the body that breathes, and the upper airway is simply an obstacle course.

In a typical bioenergetic breathing session, you can work up to a vigorous breathing pace in a minute or two, continue for five to ten minutes, and then slow down again.

Bodywork - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork
Costa Rica Breathwork - Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork

body work

I combine this breathing technique with bodywork. This means that, depending on the intensity, emerging emotions and/or issues to be worked through, trigger points are activated in certain areas of the body. Depending on the situation, this can be calming or activating.

Over time we have seen so many fantastic successes and processes with this type of breathwork that I went one step further and under the topic Envisioning breathwork during the session give the breather the opportunity to envision topics. This releases emotions, tensions and much more in these breathing sessions. This breathing work can even be a coaching with the formation of a new way of life.

The activation of the chakras with the help of this breathing work is also possible and often so necessary and helpful. Thus, this type of breathing also opens one of many gateways to spirituality.

Envisioning & Rebirthing Breathwork in Osnabrück and Costa Rica | Awareness of Body & Soul